Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good times CGA (Christ's Gift Academy)

These are just a couple of pictures of some of the children I met when I first came to visit the school. They are so much fun. Let me tell yo a little about the school and the area....
Christ's Gift Academy (CGA) is a school located in Mbita, Kenya (SUBA District) that serves primarily orphans. Nyanza province is the largest to be hit by HIV/AIDS. The school provides Christian-based education and hope to the children and community. They also provide two meals a day, clothes/uniforms, books, medical needs and love. They also support widow groups of the community and many other needs that arise.
CGA is a primary school (nursery to grade 8) and supports our graduates in secondary schools (two classes at this time) as well. The school is one of the best in the province academically and has done amazing in athletics, achieving invitations to tournaments meant mostly for secondary and club teams. Many of our students go on to compete at provincial levels. But, most of all, our students' character is beyond measure. They are bold, driven and energetic in their faith. This is evident in the joy they show. These are children that have seen and been through more than I can ever imagine, but, because of their faith, they find joy in even the littlest things. It is our hope that these students can graduate from CGA and go out into the world to share their testimonies and joy with others and bring new hope to this country.

1 comment:

siro said...

Blog looks good. Has a distinctly British feel!